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Get Involved

Stakeholder involvement makes for a strong school, and positions it as an anchor in the community. We invite you to explore the opportunities to become involved.

You can make a difference!

Maria Montessori used the term "erdkinder" ("children of the earth") to describe adolescents who are preparing to enter the larger, global community. Out-of-classroom Erdkinder field experiences are an essential element of the Montessori education provided to adolescent students at Gamble Montessori High School.

However, Erdkinder field experiences come at a substantial cost, most of which must be passed on to students and families. These additional costs present a significant hardship for many of our families.

Your generosity has made it possible for hundreds of Gamble Montessori High School students to attend field experiences who might not have otherwise been able to afford to participate. Thank you!

Learn more at the Gamble Montessori High School Foundation website.

Ways to Give

Donate Online

Your tax-deductible* gift to Gamble Montessori High School Foundation’s Annual Fund provides essential support — primarily for need-based Erdkinder student scholarships, but also to help reduce overall costs of Erdkinder field experiences for all participating students.

Donate Now — Gifts of any amount truly make a difference!

Send a Check

Download our Annual Fund Pledge Form and send your check by mail, or drop it off at the school office, made payable to:

Gamble Montessori High School Foundation
3036 Werk Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

In-Kind Gifts

Did you know that more than 100 students participate in Fall Camp & Spring Leadership Camp experiences every year? That's a lot of mouths to feed, tents to pitch and canoes to rent!  If you or your business would like to contribute an in-kind gift of food, learning materials or camping supplies, contact the Gamble Montessori High School Resource Coordinator at (513) 363-2607.

Community Partnerships 

Our Community Partners are so special to us! We are so grateful that so many organizations have opened their doors and allowed our students to have special learning experiences such as horseback riding at Winton Woods Riding Center, using logic to solve problems at Cincinnati Escape Room, and appreciation of fine art at the Cincinnati Art Museum. Contact the Gamble Montessori High School Resource Coordinator at (513) 363-2607 to learn more about becoming a Community Partner.

Contact the GMHS Foundation to learn more about:

  • Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Planned Giving/Bequests
  • Gifts of Stock

*Gamble Montessori High School Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

We support Community Organizations by promoting events that benefit Gamble students and families. To list your Community Event, please contact us with your event details and contact information and we will share the news. — Thank you!

Local School Decision Making Committee

The LSDMC is the primary governing body for each school in the district. This committee gives insight and input into important decisions that greatly impact students' lives and shape their educational experiences.

The functions of the LSDMCs includes:

  • Adopting bylaws, including the school's mission and vision
  • Setting measurable goals, based on a needs assessment
  • Completing a mid-year and end-of-year progress report
  • Making recommendations and approving the school budget
  • Participating in the selection of the principal, when a vacancy exists
  • Approving locally initiated changes in the school's program or focus
  • Making recommendations to the principal regarding other school issues
  • Seeking grants to support the school's programs (optional)
  • Coordinating and overseeing the development of the school as a Community Learning Center

The committee is composed of parents, teachers, staff members, students and community members.